The National Frameworks are non-profit organisations that work nationally to uphold the philosophy of the ILF. They are committed to putting patients at the heart of their activities, to collaborating in multidisciplinary partnerships between all stakeholders in their countries, and to supporting the mission of the ILF.
Current national framework countries are:
Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Africa, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, United States, Wales.
National frameworks meet together at the ILF annual conference to share information, developments and plans that are ongoing in each member country. Each country also has the opportunity to be involved in any research initiated by ILF, which results in lymphoedema data being collected on an international basis, with the aim of improving knowledge about and best practice in the treatment of lymphoedema. Recent research includes LIMPRINT, looking at the impact and prevalence of lymphoedema ILF-COM, the Chronic Oedema Outcome Measure project is aiming to develop an internationally agreed set of outcome measures for patients with chronic oedema.
The Genital Oedema Project, looking at educational needs of health professionals managing patients with genital lymphoedema.
LEBS, Lymphoedema education benchmark statements. Subject benchmark statements providing an important external source of reference and guidance for the development and enhancement of courses and programmes enabling learning outcomes to be evaluated against agreed expectations and standards. They are designed to be used flexibly, in conjunction with the requirements set by professional, statutory and regulatory bodies.
Lymphoqol, The International Lymphoedema Framework working to validate a Quality of Life tool for children and young adults (5yo – 21yo), to give greater understanding of how this condition affects the life of the person who has it.
Further information about ILF and links to all national frameworks are through the ILF website