The venue for the 8th International Lymphoedema Conference was the retired ship, the SS Rotterdam, moored in the Dutch port of Rotterdam.
Presentations this year included many aspects of measurement, early detection and treatment of lymphoedema, indications and surgical procedures for lymphoedema and lipoedema, updates on work ongoing in the detection and treatment of breast cancer related lymphoedema and emphasis also on awareness and measurement of quality of life for individuals with lymphoedema and lipoedema.
There was focus on lymphoedema in children, robust discussion on the causes and treatment of lipoedema and finally focus and information on setting up services to manage the above conditions.
Alongside the presentations, the national representatives of the ILF member countries met to discuss and plan for a uniform approach to standards of education for lymphoedema and to agree outcome measures for chronic oedema which should help both clinicians and industry to improve management of this condition,